Keep things spicy while quarantining
In today's edition of The Bibi Daily we're gonna show you how to keep the spark between you and your partner alive while you're quarantining. If you're wondering what this email is all about, it's our way of sharing our voice more authentically with you and talking about things we're passionate about. The Bibi Daily emails are delivered to you daily M-F and designed to help you live the fun, fierce, healthy, and productive lifestyle you want. We explore 4 topics: Wellness, Fitness, Productivity, and Social Life. You'll see this new content on our Facebook and Instagram as well.

CAN YA DO US A FAVOR FIRST? So our products have been at Total Wine since 2018. Much of their business is now online as customers are trying to stay home. We realized we have no reviews on Total Wine's website and that's no bueno. So if you're a fan of Bibi, we'd really appreciate if you could leave us a review at Total Wine. Review 1 product, get a 10% off coupon to use on our online store. Review 2, get 20% and review all 3 to get 30%! Just send us a screenshot of your posted review with your name on it and we'll email you a personalized coupon code. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...

PUT A BUN IN THE OVEN. We mean this quite literally. Baking is getting a revival in the US, so much it's hard to find yeast at grocery stores and many bakeries have pivoted to sell bread making and sourdough starter kits. The takeaway here? With all this extra time, now is the time to try something new in the kitchen. It's an opportunity to have fun and explore with your partner. PRO-TIPS: Make it extra special by recreating a famed recipe like Milk Bar's Birthday Cake, try your hands at a Great British Bake Off recipe, go head-to-head with your partner Iron Chef style and have your kids, family, or corona circle judge.

WEEKEND GETAWAY. Need a change of scenery? We feel you. Take a local road trip to check out spring wildflowers in your area, go on a day hike, or have a sunset picnic. Just because of the Rona doesn't mean you have to stay in the house all day.

GO TREASURE HUNTING. There are millions of hidden "treasures" called geocaches. All you need to find them is a GPS enabled device and a little bit of research beforehand. Many may be in your own neighborhood or local park! It's free and a fun activity for the whole family. Make sure to wear gloves and masks, and sanitize anything you find afterwards!